
3 posts tagged with "quarter-horse"

Anhidrosis Dealing with the Inability to Sweat

Anhidrosis Dealing with the Inability to Sweat
Sweating is an important function of the horse’s body during hot weather and/or exertion to keep him from becoming too hot. A small amount of body heat is removed through air exchange via the respiratory system, but more than 70% of excess body heat is dissipated by sweat evaporating from the skin. Some horses in hot climates lose their ability to sweat (anhidrosis) and are at risk for heat stress and heat stroke.

Remember Me Rose

Remember Me Rose
As Remember Me Rose’s progeny began winning major races—current runner Powerful Favorite alone has won seven stakes, including four Grade 1 races - her foals have become extremely popular at sales.

Mikel Donahue

Mikel Donahue
Best of Show Winner at 2021 Cowboy Artists of America Exhibition

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