AQHA Update: Second Careers
"The tendency to navigate different disciplines throughout a horse's competitive career is what makes the American Quarter Horse most endearing," - Janet VanBebber, AQHA Chief Racing Officer
The Joiners: A Special Eye
Mike and Linda Joiner’s training operation focuses on balancing the success and well-being of their race prospects, their partners, their employees and their family priorities.
By Diane Rice
Anhidrosis Dealing with the Inability to Sweat
Sweating is an important function of the horse’s body during hot weather and/or exertion to keep him from becoming too hot. A small amount of body heat is removed through air exchange via the respiratory system, but more than 70% of excess body heat is dissipated by sweat evaporating from the skin. Some horses in hot climates lose their ability to sweat (anhidrosis) and are at risk for heat stress and heat stroke.